New Concerns About Physical Health
Physical fitness is one of the visible effects of technology on health. Couch potatoing — meaning excessive time spent on computers, smartphones and other devices — often translates to sedentary lifestyles, which are associated with obesity, cardiovascular problems and muscle weakness. Poor posture, also known as “tech neck,” is caused by hunching over a screen for an extended period of time, and it can lead to chronic back, neck and shoulder pain. What’s another direct result of being glued to a screen? Eye strain, or “digital eye strain,” also can cause headaches, blurred vision, and long-term eye health issues.
Tech Time: Mental Health
Thise has lead a lot of people to hidd them selves at home meaning that the the * effect of technology on health* is not only physical, but mental due tyo excess of digital consumption. Most people are for the time they spend on social media, although they connect it with other individuals which, makes them creates anxiety, depression, low self-reliance, unrealistic comparison, and info crack. The exposure to blue light from devices disrupts sleep patterns — causing insomnia and a lack of sleep quality — which then affects mental health.
How Technology Will Improve Health
(Although far from perfect, the influence of technology on health is concerning, technology led to many advances in medicine.) Wearable technologies such as fitness trackers track movement, heart rate and sleep, allowing users to lead a more healthy life. Telemedicine platforms have transformed the healthcare industry by providing greater access to medical professionals, particularly for those living in rural areas.
Finding Balance
To decrease the adverse influence of technology on health, it is crucial to develop a healthy bond with digital devices. Setting limits on screen time, doing digital detoxes and incorporating physical activities into daily routines can help alleviate health risks. All of this can help reduce harm, along with prioritizing ergonomic practices in how you use technology — adjusting desk height and using blue-light filters, for example.
Technology & its effect on health is a wide-ranging subject, it covers the impact of technology on our physical and mental health. Health challenges caused by Technological OveruseAlthough technology has made it easier for people to access healthcare and monitor themselves. Understanding these effects and working to maintain balance will help ensure technology adds to, rather than take away, from our lives.